What inspires you to #WalkTheTalk?
Why vote
Now more than ever, voting matters. In a polarised world, using your right to vote not only contributes to a healthier democracy, but electing your representatives is also a way to exercise your citizenship and have a say in the shape of our society.
Voting is simultaneously an acquired right, a duty and a personal decision. By exercising your right to vote in the European elections, you can influence future decision-making that affects your everyday life and the future of your region, country, and continent.
Being informed about the candidates, the parties and their ideas is important—by getting the facts, you can decide which ideas align with your own and those of your family, friends and community. After all, we’re in this together.
The European Parliament is a powerful institution that has been integral to designing laws that benefit all of us and will continue to do so. They make decisions that directly affect the well-being and future of young people on important issues, including the environment, consumer rights, immigration, security, and public health, among many others.
No politician is perfect, but to not take part in democracy because nobody seems to represent you 100% shouldn’t be an excuse for not using your power to shape the society you live in. After all, generations before us fought for our right to vote.
EU representatives must be held accountable when it comes to supporting (or not) policies that affect young people’s lives and rights. By voting, you are using your voice and ensuring politicians also Walk the Talk.
It’s also important to remain aware and critical in the face of disinformation and propaganda campaigns that seek to influence your opinion, including fake news, targeted ads and photo or video montages. Stick to trusted sources.
All EU citizens are eligible to vote in the upcoming elections, regardless of the country they reside in. Encourage your friends to participate in the voting process and ensure that your generation's interests are represented. And remember: we’re stronger together.
It’s not the talk, but the walk that matters most.
Who we are
The Walk the Talk campaign is the result of the cooperation of an international consortium for the EU inFORM — Young Voters Project, financed by the European Parliament.
Our team is made up of 11 partners from 11 countries: FIJWB (Belgium), ZICM (Croatia), HARNO (Estonia), Koordinaatti (Finland), Eurodesk Italy (Italy), ERYICA (Luxembourg), Aġenzija Żgħażagħ (Malta), IPDJ (Portugal), FNT (Romania), MISSS & LMIT (Slovenia), and IVAJ (Spain).
The European Youth Information and Counselling Agency (ERYICA), which is committed to ensuring young people’s right to full and reliable information, serves as the coordinating partner.
Meet our Ambassadors
What’s our goal
Walk the Talk means putting your words into action—showing that you mean what you say by actively doing it yourself. It is a version of the everyday phrase “actions speak louder than words”.
We aim to encourage and increase young voters' informed participation in the next European elections, emphasising the outreach to first-time voters.
Informing young people about the EU and the European Parliament elections
Fighting against disinformation and manipulation of information surrounding the elections and the EU.
Conveying their worries, concerns and views to decision-making bodies and policymakers