How to vote in Finland
9 June 2023
On election day voters may cast their votes at the polling station stated in the voting register and on the card sent to them before the elections. The polling stations are open between 9 a.m. and 8 p.m.
General advance polling stations where any person entitled to vote may do so are in Finland the municipal offices and other places designated for the purpose by the local executive. In every municipality, there is at least one such polling station.
Advance voting in Finland begins on 29 May 2024 and ends on 4 June 2024.
If you are a Finnish living abroad, you have to cast your vote at the polling station organised in the Finnish embassy of your country of residence. -
Finnish nationals don’t need to register for the EU elections. Those who have reached the age of 18 by the election day are automatically included in the electoral roll.
If you have the right to vote, you will receive a letter informing you of this.
The letter includes a polling card that contains information on which polling station to go to on election day. The letter also contains a list of advance polling stations near you.
Apart, you should bring with you an official ID (passport, ID or driving license) -
Nationals from other EU Member States who want to vote in Finland need to file a written notification stating that he or she wishes to be entered into the Finnish voting register. The notification must be filed with the Digital and Population Data Services Agency before 21 March 2024 by 16.00 at the latest.
Preferential voting system.
In 2024, 15 Finnish MEPs will be elected.
Registered political parties and constituency associations may put candidates forward. The list of candidates will be confirmed on 10 May 2024.
If you are severely disabled or suffer from a long-term illness, you can vote in advance in your own home.
You must register for at-home voting at the central municipal election board of your home municipality.