How to vote in Cyprus
9 June 2024
As Cypriot or EU citizen voting in Cyprus, you vote in a polling station based on your place of residence.
If you are a Cypriot citizen living abroad, you may vote if you meet the condition six-month residency requirement prior to registering on the electoral roll and moved abroad thereafter). Voters abroad are registered on a special electoral roll and shall cast their vote only in person on election day.
To register, you may download the registration form directly form the website of the Cypriot authorities (in Greek). You may also obtain it from the local offices of the district administrations, the Central Electoral Service of the Ministry of the Interior, the Citizen Service Centres and the Citizen Centres at the Cyprus Post Office.
As voter aged under 25, you may submit your registration via the following online form.
The exact registration deadline will be announced in 2024.
You must bring your national ID card or the voting card.
Same rules as for Cypriot nationals apply.
Preferential voting system.
In 2024, 6 Cyprus MEPs will be elected.
Political parties or individual people who wish to stand for the elections should register with the national election authority by May 2024. A complete list of all candidates will be published once the registration period has finished (exact date will be announced).
People with disabilities have an absolute priority when exercising their right to vote. Polling station officials have therefore been invited to facilitate them with concrete measures. A blind voter or a person with a physical disability may vote by himself if he wishes, with the help of a person of his absolute confidence or with the help of the Presiding Officer, in the presence of an assistant officer.