How to vote in Austria
9 June 2024
As a voter in Austria, you usually vote in a polling station at your principal place of residence. However, you can also cast your vote by letter or in a different polling station provided you have a ballot. You can apply for it in your municipality.
You can find more information here. -
Austrian citizens residing in Austria don’t need to register.
Austrian citizens without residence in Austria have to register to vote with their Austrian municipality. The registration is valid for ten years. -
The deadline (cut-off day) is not yet officially set but can be expected around mid-March 2024.
You should bring your ID.
Expatriates who are citizens of EU member states and residing in Austria can usually vote in European Parliament elections either in their country of residence or in their home country, depending on national rules. You have to register to vote once in the municipality where your principal residence is. Once you are registered, you stay registered as long as you reside in Austria.
Preferential voting system.
In 2024, 20 Austrian MEPs will be elected. -
You should be able to find the election proposals online no later than on the 31st day before election day.
You have the possibility to vote by mail or request a visit from a mobile electoral commission. People with physical or sensory disabilities, who can not be expected to fill in the ballot without outside help, may be assisted by someone of their choice. Blind and visually impaired people can cast their votes using ballot paper templates.